Introduction : Degloved चेहरा
How to Diagnose Degloved Face or Degloving Injuries?
Doctors diagnose Degloving Injuries by examining you and learning about your injury history. They may run tests to see how bad the damage is. It’s hard to know the full extent of a Degloving Injury just by looking because the outer skin might not show all the damage underneath.
Skin’s ability to survive is tricky to assess with simple checks like bleeding, colour, temperature, and pressure response. Open Degloving Injuries, where muscle and bone are exposed, are easier to diagnose than closed ones, where it might not be clear that the top layer of your skin has separated from deeper tissues.
How is a Degloved Face or Degloving Injury Treated?
Treatment for a Degloving Injury depends on what kind it is, how severe it is, and where it is on the body. These injuries often come with other serious injuries like broken bones that need quick treatment. Also, not all emergency centres can handle complex skin repairs because they require special skills.
1) Open Degloving Injuries
The treatment for open Degloving Injuries varies based on how bad the injury is and what resources the hospital has. Not every emergency room can do complex skin repairs, so you might need to go to a trauma centre that can offer more advanced care. Treatment options might include:
a) Reattaching the skin
b) Using skin from other parts of your body for skin grafts
c) Reattaching a finger or toe
d) Amputation
e) These treatments often need several surgeries. You might have to stay in the hospital for days or weeks and might need physical therapy to help you use the injured part again. Sometimes, a small Degloving Injury might just need thorough cleaning and bandaging.
2) Closed Degloving Injuries
Treatment for closed Degloving Injuries also varies by the injury’s severity. For minor cases, you might just need compression bandages, physical therapy, and rest. For more serious cases, treatments might include:
a) Draining any fluid that has built up
b) Removing dead tissue
c) Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which medication is injected into your blood vessels to make them shrink.
Challenges Encountered in Treating Degloved Face and Degloving Injuries
If you have a Degloving Injury, you could expect various long-term effects depending on how serious your injury is. You’ll likely have a scar or some trace of your injury. You may face a long healing process that requires physical therapy and rehabilitation, plus regular aftercare from your doctor. You may even lose the function of the body part you injured.
Early treatment is important for Degloving Injuries. But even with that, you can still have complications. Some long-term effects of Degloving Injuries include:
a) Infection
b) Compartment syndrome (painful pressure buildup in your muscles)
c) Osteomyelitis (infection of your bone)
d) Lymphedema (buildup of lymph fluid under your skin)
e) Contracture (shortening and hardening of your muscles)
f) Nerve damage
g) Death
Degloving Injuries are serious and sometimes fatal. Early treatment is key to preventing infections. Treatment usually needs an extended stay at the hospital and several surgeries, followed by several months of physical therapy. We hope this blog has helped you get a clear idea about Degloved Face.